Monday, August 10, 2009

A month later - August 10th, 2009

I've just come in from the garden, working with neighbors to spread our fabulous Mulch. This stuff is wonderfully rich and loamy, it's making a big difference already.

We worked until it was so dark you could no longer see the plants and the mosquitoes were having a feast on us. No sooner had I put the last wheel barrow away than the heaven's opened up again, and it poured rain!

Wow it's been quite the month!

We had our BBQ - in the rain, lots of people came and it was Fabulous!!!! Yummy hot dogs lots of salads and deserts. Thanks to all the helpers who made it possible and to our special guests, councilman David Rivera, Police Chief Donna Berry and neighbors from far and wide.

Our Wonderful sign has been designed, created and erected - thank you to all who helped with that big project - It is Gorgeous!

More plants and now some shrubs have been donated.

We received more donations of plants from from other gardeners, these included some very nice and unusual plants and flowers. We also received a gift certificate for Urban Roots, with it we were able to plant some wonderful flowering shrubs and yes even more plants.

We also received our Lawn mower which was a donation to Grassroots Gardens from a kind donor - Thank you!!! It works very nicely indeed.

Our latest acquisition arrived on Friday - a delivery of Mulch. The wonderful thing about a community garden - if you start working in it - people seem to appear, as if by magic. Tonight was no exception. By the time it was dark we had 3 adults and 3 children, weeding, digging and spreading mulch. It was fabulous - and a good number had stopped by to say "Hi" too.

More photos to follow - Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Kirk Laubenstein said...

Chris glad that the garden is going great. Mulch is so important! If there is anything that Council Member Rivera's office can do to help certainly let us know. Thank you for your hard work!