Saturday, June 13, 2009

News from the Fargo Avenue Community Garden!

Welcome to the Brand Spanking new Fargo Avenue Community Garden and it's Blog!

This blog is a place to share news, check in and check up on what's happening in our garden. Find out what we're doing, when we're working and best of all share information, and views on what a community is and a garden can be to it.

We need a name! we're hoping for a name that say's it all! you know, captures the essence and spirit of our garden philosophy... or just sounds really cool! Please send suggestions to me by e-mail: - we'll be voting on them at the next planning meeting.

When we do have our name we will be able to design a sign to welcome everyone to the garden.

On Saturday, June 13th work officially started with the creation of 3 of 4 beds - according to our plan. Bushes were planted, neighbors came out to help and the magic has begun.

Best of all the garden has been created from other gardens; our soil and bushes came from the Crane Library on Elmwood Avenue, rich black earth from Dewitt and Lafayette, recycled stones from other buildings.

Now we're looking for plants - if you're thinning out your garden please think of sharing with us.

Our next work date is Monday evening 5PM to 8PM. We'll be planting.

Remember you are invited to Weenie Wednesday - when Grassroots Gardens will be hosting a get together and munchies at the Community Garden at West and Jersey.


Zoe said...

I'm so excited for you--I just asked another landscaper to drop off about 1 cubic yard of topsoil, and sod at the garden.
I'll see you all at Weenie Wednesday!

Chris Red said...

Thanks Zoe!

That Cubic Yard was just what we needed to finish of the beds for this years plan.

We certainly appreciate your great support.